About us

Henrik Harrsen had worked many years with transmissions and seen the industry from every possible perspective – then one day he had a vision. He had repeatedly experienced missing links and sand or grit in the machinery and other possible insoluble problems which threw spanners in the works for an optimized production line. He knew exactly what was required to give the industry a solution for every unique problem, every inefficiency in the production line or machines. Namely “Rockad Lyft och Materialhantering”!

With the help of innovative thinking, flexibility on every level and the right quality in the right place, we have since complemented and improved – with exactly the functionality that customers have been missing, in both Europe and the United States. We are proud that our products are vital components in machines, products and equipment worldwide.

Our head office is in Helsingborg. It is here we analyze, design and manufacture. Always with the customer’s job satisfaction and environmental sustainability in focus.

Feel free to get in touch!

If you have any questions about the company or what we do, then just follow the link and complete the form!